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Payroll Department Diagnosis

Payroll compliance analysis includes reviewing processes, roles and responsibilities between payroll, time management, and HR, compensation and benefits teams, aimed at ensuring the integrity and reliability of payroll processing, managing operational and financial risks related to payroll production, but also to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of payroll processing and its key inputs.


This service promotes alignment with internal policies (time, payroll, compensation, benefits) ensuring accurate management of total rewards, which is essential to the company's reputation and reliability.

To meet these challenges: 

  • Employee dissatisfaction

  • Payroll staff turnover

  • High rate of pay errors per pay period

  • Laborious or repeating year-end exercise

  • Lack of functionality or underutilization of existing payroll systems

  • Prerequisite for a payroll outsourcing project


Assessment of malfunctions and possible solutions

Rapid analysis of malfunctions and their root causes (Resources, Processes, Tools) and identification of possible solutions (short, medium and longer term).


Prioritized action plan

Evaluation of efforts, impacts and benefits to prioritize actions related to the identified solutions. Drafting of the project plan and charter (resources, schedule, effort, budget) for main improvement initiatives.


Drafting of revised policies or procedures

Assistance in writing and documenting optimized P&P and other job aid tools.


Follow-up of results

Facilitation of follow-up meetings to measure the achievement of results and continuous improvement.

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